Thursday, December 27, 2007

School reopens 2nd January.

Everyone in 207 is going to different classes. Some are with their friends in their new class.
Work hard and if you did not get good results this year, try to do better =) . Make more new friends and learn more things.

Here's my philosophical saying for all, "If things get unfavorable, try to take them in your stride and keep smiling."

Happy belated Xmas and good luck in the new year.


Thursday, November 29, 2007


hey guys.
sorry to disappoint ur
but i have to cancel the chalet

its not really something i want
someone's parents
called my mum and asked who was going to be responsible if something bad happens
and she said that the person responsible is going to be the one who organised.

my mum'
spoke to me
asking me
to cancel the chalet

its saddening.
dun worry
the cancellation penalty.

my parents will pay

dun blame the someone or his mum
coz its a good point
and i dun wanna get into trouble:X

for the sake of everyone. i will nt be revealing that someone's name

deepest regards
alex ):

Monday, November 26, 2007

CLASS CHALET! (updated)

duration: 1 night
time:4:00( can leave and go anytime u need to)
things to bring: anything u wan. and some junk food and drinks, money(20bucks for the chalet!, might be less or more. depends on hw mani people coming) and more money ontop of that
venue: aranda country club. somewhere in pasir ris

important: please confirm that u r coming as i need to make the bookings by latest tomorrow morning.

Cost of chalet:200bucks

people coming:
1. ryan yuan
2. alistair
3. alex
4. wei jin
5. darren
6. wen xian
7. matthew
8. derek
10.jon saw
11. chenghui
12. chan
13. stuart
people not confirmed

2. chan
3. ezra

4. justin

5. zac
6. chenghui
i dun tink we will be wanting to stay in the chalet the whole day.
so i suggest
we go out in the afternoon/evening for a movie etc. please put ur ideas in the tag box

:D staying overnight is not a must. be we will probably be up the whole night

please check the blog constantly as post will be updated or published

Monday, October 29, 2007

Happy Bday to Ryan Y and Joey Lee!

Happy Birthday to Joey Lee and Ryan Yuan! For all who know who i am you will find me lame lol.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

regarding alex's last post

the party thing itz sounds ok
but this time u and matt lim
pay less la

Thursday, October 04, 2007

last paper! =D

the end of sec 2 year is coming.

darren&matt are leaving! =(

after exams things to do!

1. tapok darren&matt
2. rape them! =D
3. no violence though! XD

SO fast. 2 yrs have past!!!

probably be holding a farewell party as well as a 207 party
somewhere after the exams!

Hope we will all do will! =)

byes! tc all

Friday, August 24, 2007


This would be about Miss Tan, you have to read this.

Just to let you all know, she did not plan to "lock us" up that day. She had to go see another student for a while, at the same time she wanted us to stay back. If she just went out, we would think and do, as usual, that the lesson is over and leave the class. She just saw the class keys and it suddenly struck her to lock the classsroom door.

You can be angry with her or happy with her, but so as long as she is our teacher, respect her.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

term exam

tomorrow maths

oh wellS=)

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Hows studying getting along? If you have even started, the homework for this weekend is

1. 2 maths past year common test term 3 papers
2. History Essay

Anyone who has geog remedial notes or biology lesson notes willing to lend to photocopy?

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


speech english
chinese chapter 21
history pg 100 source c. qn how reliable is the source about the situation in russia during ww1.


Monday, July 30, 2007


maths quad wksht3
phythagoras theorm wksht 1
chinese test on chapter 20
speech on polar bears. - planning.

i spammed matthew's blog.
fun it is man

oh well
time to mug history!@

a talk on moral by alistair
muz be good bois
stop spamming the blog

bad boys

but yeah
it is his view
so spam
for all i care

Stop spamming lia00 w0rhhs

dun spam liao l@@@@ @ft3r p3opl3 sc0ld w0rhss.. or gif m0ral talk on spamming w0rhhs dam long l3hss... we r3ad until sc@r3d...

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Oh and i thought there was quad ws 3 too... Heard from one boy in the class who is the only one who said so... Anyways, Stuart might be staying but Matthew confirm leaving. So get ready for farewell party!


1. chinese express chapter 20
2. chinese test chapter 20
3. maths test on congruency and similarity this friday
4.literature wksht pbq 2004
5. literature cheetsheet development on portain and bassanio.

thats all
and stuart
is staying in sji

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


IMportant reminders!
23 people still owe the LAMDA reply slip. tomorrow due

homework due tomorrow.
maths wksht
1. linear graph whskt 8
2. quad graph wksht : - 1
- 2

for express chinese boys
tomorrow chinese remedial =)

thursday sch dismissal at 12:30

i think that shd be all
oh well

muz bring the consent form ok! dun forget
if not mrs loh will surely bao!


Thursday, July 19, 2007

HELLO 207ers.

time really flies dosent it.
it seemed like it was yesterday we begin our sec 2 journey.
we have only 2 mths
before. we will all be in different classes.
it is a very sad thing.
i will miss all the suan-ing of people,
imran the bootlicker,
gerald gwee the trouble maker,
jason the hidden notty boy,
isaac the nerd,
derek the square head,
chenghui the small eyes,
chan the lamer.

Sad sad sad. yet so many of us are so silly but this is wat make our class original.

oh well. lets cherish the extremely short period of times with each other.
and i hope
that most of us will go into the same triple science class.

tomorrow's racial harmony order of the day
0730- assemble as usual. academic studies as usual
1020- recess at parade square and carnival ; carnival show
1050 sec 2 inter-class symphony of talents begins
1220 - resutrn to class room. academic lessons resume as per normal
(pse period for all levels will be transferred to occupy the slot 11.40am to 12:30 pm. the 1140-1230 slot will be transferred to pse period

in case ur did not noe

matthew lim
and stuart
will be leaving us at the end of this year for NJC.
maybe we can hold a farewell party for them

Monday, July 16, 2007


Omg spamming getting from worse to bad omg what to do omg omg omg omg omg. No homework today yay do finish info skills by tuesday or face consequences.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

About the spamming, please have some basic manners.

Do not be idiots and use other names to type retarded messages and give some people wrong impression of others. All msgs on 9 july are spams , Darren please don't do it again. (no offence even if u get offended)

If anybody wants the cbox history, you can ask frm me.

Monday, July 09, 2007

No spamming

Please try not spam the tagboard with stupid comments.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

bring thermometer on monday.
i have called everyone personally except for
who did not ans the phone

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

gd job anyway

2day well i think we did quite ok in class
judging by the extra time we had
4 Mr Chan 2 play his extra vids and
oso 4 history so tatz another point 4 207 XP
hi. 207.

1 point for us for getting a praise from mrs seah? i dunnoe how spell her name
oh well

today's homework.
linear graph wksht1
bio wksht 1
hitstory hwk pg 97 and the sbq

this might be the last time
i will be posting
im stressed out
stop calling me
by my house phone or handphone
about some stupid thing
it is bloody irritating as i need to study
call me if it is really important
and be warned
if u call me
and i dun find it important enof
i will not ans ur calls nxt time u call

YAY Me for becoming the youngest NCO xD

and and and
9 wks left
everyone shd be mugging

and and
gerald gwee
has been a better boy =)


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

hihi all 207ers.

todays homework. 1. maths similatiry whskt3

2. graph paper for maths

3. article on animal testing or pictures.


chenghui and gerald muz do 1 mth duty

imran muz go 1 week duty.

=)mervin careful with ur languages

rmb to study for biology



Friday, May 25, 2007

Holiday Homework

  1. Independent Learning on Linear & Quadratic Graphs
  2. AMC Qns 1-30 (Junior Section)
  3. MYE 2004 Paper 1 & 2


  1. Cycle 2 LSS paper


  1. The Pen Awards Reader's Digest English Wrting Composition (How I Made A Difference)


  1. Worksheet 9.1 (workbook 2)


  1. 3 essay questions ( Q2, 3, 4)
  2. Oral Reading Practice


  1. AA ( BY TERM 1 WEEK 6)


  1. Unseen Poetry

Higher Chinese

  1. 实用文 & 作文


Thursday, May 03, 2007

bAD GUYS in class could be good & REPUTation wise.....l

WARNING: my sch story and cls story mix uped

although, some guys are bad in class, which u noe, just to name a few, imran, zhan xiang and gerald(not discriminating them)actually are good. we all have our badsides (not backside) but we don't show themtill we're totally angry or insane. but those "bad" ppl just choose to show them.

they're not bad at all, seriously. zhan xiang, imran and gerald.imran used to be my best friend during the SYF practise days. we sat on the bus, exchange storybks, on talking terms. den all of a sudden, the cow thing came about, he joined in, i felt betrayed. i knew he was a good person.

before that, zhan xiang was my friend when nobody was his. simpler terms: zhan xiang was my friend when everyone called "gay". i defended im like all the way,very sure he was a good person, from the way he talked to me, not spastic at all.ya. den when physics grouping for project, all the ldrs came out to choose their grp members.i was eng. rep but i din choose him.

den he was like alistair, why u din chooseme and frm then for gerald i dunnoe

fact is, i'm more than myself when i hve enrichment class on sunday. it means that, i let out more of my "bad side" , not bullying, lke try to be funny, but i noe when to control.i dunnoe y too but that can be controlled. maybe ppl like imran, gerald and zhan xiang trying to chng, but they might think that their clsmates(us) might feel weird in their sudden change of behaviour, in my opinon lah...,.,/

so next, today brother jason's talk was inspiring. imran said that his follow-up action will be to like work AS a classs something like that.but the next minute, after brother j's period and everyone left for recess, mervin came up to imran and said something like imran must chng ah in sarcastic way. den imran pushed him den want to fight, i got to shout stop it. he din keep to his promise.

ok long story, so anyway, i realised that we have 1 teacher we really should not have disappoint, MRS LOH.

BROTHER JASON SAID LET'S DO SOMETHING TAT WLL BRING UP OUR REPUTATION.maybe scoring well and settling down quickly in class.

Mrs Loh has a sorethroat today, but there is a chng this term, the way she teaches us. she writes on the board, the work we have to complete, instead of saying it. and if u still din realise, we dun class satnd and say "THANK YOU MRS LOH" at the end of lesson. she just leaves.she is a good teacher, although some might think otherwise, it's not that she doesn't wantto greet us, when has athe class been quiet when the bell rings. some of us are standing up, walking arnd.

so i hope that somebody can shout cLASS STand den we say thank you mrsloh. not to bring our reputation up, but to do something fair for her. you can't even count this fair, it's lik amust in evry lesson. even in Brother jason's lesson, we at least say bye!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

cmon man. u dun expect me to post the hwk whn im not even in school the first place. gosh why muz we make ms tan cry. its not even nice. our class is already something no teacher wanna tok about. yet we have internal quarrels everyday. we are bias against the minorities.gerald gwee crying.its not something we shd tease him bout. imran being very attention seeking. we muz not scold him, we shd lecture him.

we are together and this will be our final year together for most of us. why dun we appreciate those who are beside us now. maybe learn and come to realise that teachers after teachers are giving us up. although mrs vastel is an exception but we muz also realise that pleasing one teacher, making him or her feel happy to come to this class is juz not enof. we muz make every teacher enjoy teaching our class. every teacher including those who are juz reliefs. also miss josephine lee? or wee i dunnoe. anyways she came to complain bout our class being too noisy. its already a nono. i muz also say it really takes a big effort to even keep the class quiet. it takes almost most of my energy to get everyone to sit down and keep quiet. i have to shout. i even tot maybe i shd approach the class the 'soft' way but its juz useless.

also, although we have a few bad people in our class, we shd not blame everything on them. we shd accept everything and take this things as learning experience, experience which cannot be found in books. it is not often in which we have to live wif people we dun like. we shd learn to adapt and accept everyone.

although i wasnt there tt day which russell 10 bucks got stolen. i can roughly picture the scenario.
juz wanna tell the thief this thing
not only are u putting everyone around u in a bad spot. but u are also putting the teachers in a bad spot. ms tan has a life to live. mr chan has kids to look after.
but yet time and again we are always obstructing them from doing wat they wan as they always have to stay bak and lecture us

maybe we shd all reflect
whether we are the top few students in the class
the bottom few
whether we are student leaders.
whether we are noisy or one of the quiet few in the class
izzit fair
to our parents
to our loved ones
to our frenz
to our teachers
for every thing they have sacrifice for us
and yet we not only do not appreciate it but
instead be a difficult son, student, fren to them.

maybe we shd oso see
things do not last forever
we have only 5 mths more
to our streaming year
nxt year will be the year
where we spilt

but b4 we even go tt far
let us all reflect

for the things we have done wrong
for the people we have pained
for the things we can improve on
for anything tt is considered as wrong

to be better people
better josephians
better singaporeans
give our best in everything we do

its juz tt.
i have nothing else to say
we are one class
one family
i do not wanna critise
for everyone is of the same standard as we are in the same class
but instead
i wanna warn the whole class
punishments will no longer be light
teacher's favourites
will longer be protected

we have destroyed the trust of our form tutor
and gaining it bak
building it bak
will be
difficult. and we have to work real hard to gain it. we will not give up but continue working hard
tts coz
we are from

\Who I Am HATES Who I've Been


Although 207 is already a notorious class i wouldn't believe somebody would steal. This is a follow-up to Matthew's post. So let me start from after i returned frm my HMT class, i put my bookks down, i got my history war plans ws and got out of class. nobody excepty those frm hmt in class, so means the rest left le.

den got to canteen, that was where i learnt about Russell's 10 dollars. den got check u also noe. anfd have only 2 two dollars so defintely not i steal 1...

go bac to class all da soccer players came back den kena check. all the hmt ppl stay in class, the express chinese go outside class. i think miss tan scolding.took the whole maths period! MY PRECIOUS!!! (maths period) But it's ok. u see a lot of ppl donot understand the state miss tan is in, russell is in and the state u r in.

den gotta stay back after sch till 3 a lot of ppl complaining, saying it's not their fault but still gotta stay back,. tt i understand, but it's not just u only. miss tan saying that she does not trust our class anymore, that was just a moment in time.she said tt because she was desperately trying to find the thief yet no one owned up.

and u think it takes ur time up, u can do ur own work..and in police investigations those ho are suspected have to co-operate with the police. can't say u're not the 1 den run away.

and gerald gwee defintitely isn't the thief. How I noe? When miss tan said the class stay back, he like want to cry, can see his eyes want to red. and when miss tan said this is not a laughing matter. gerlad said u're making this a laughing matter. miss tan said what did u say. gerlad repeated and said it's not he steal and her way of writing on the piece of paper guilty or not guilty , no one will own up + about to cry. so emo u think he steal 1 ar, unless his acting skills so great.

+ i must say something for gerald i noe no 1 accuse him but i heard some ppl calling him cry-baby. everyone have different ways of handling situations. crying is not girly, is just 1 emotion, to express ur sadness. the way he felt, innocent yet still getiing held back.

and some ppl r just not understanding, keep wanting to go home,u can say miss tan's method won't work. but can u see she's trying her best. she said she don't want to give up on this class, and tears frm her eyes. i just look at the dedication in this teacher, i couldn't help and drop 2 tears too.

is not wasting my tears, i just felt the way she felt. the reason she gotta find the thief out, i think as she said is to help him. the thief could have emotional probelms, family probelms and this may lead to him stealing. if u think that i'm the thief coz i noe so much,wrong just grow some common sense.

so if the thief really has problems, can counsel him, solve these problems. but sadly, no one wants to own up. geralsd said can be not frm this class. miss tan's defence is this has happened on three occasions and Russell wasn't sitting near the ledge all along.

so i came up with a plan and wanted to tell miss tan. but i couldn't approach her or else the class will think i'm guilty so i raised my hand and said i got a plann, and so i told her since the class din noe whether the tief is frm this class or other class, write on a slip of paper guilty/not guilty and anonymous. den like the RME option B we pass the slips around in a box. den at least we know he is frm this class. den if successful, match the handwriting to all the classmates homework.

but she says it wun work. den russell is wrong, but he hopes to find the person out, but it din work too. but he is not totally wrong and besides, it's not miss tan who's keeping us, it's the thief. if u dun get wad i mean, "put urself in ohther's shoes" ask urslef questions like although, he's wrong he might be feeling sad that he lost his money/ she is keeping us back but she's also trying to find out who the person is.

oh yar i forogt to mention that i noe it's hard to admit, i've prayed for that boy in class, praying for him to own up. coz after u steal, u might fear the punishments, but ur conscience might haunt u. miss tan said she wants to help that boy and tt's wad impt. .

Monday, April 30, 2007

hiess all.. long time nvr post liao.. chan the talk so chim those who can understand will understand. Those who don't will try to understand. He missed out the homework which is the

-Maths mayday homework
-Info Skills survey questions
-History Comparisons.

Good luck have fun on labour day. Enjoy my rare post.


2day our whole class got scolded as someone or an outsider somehow stole $10 from Russell's bag which was on the ledge. Due to this, Miss Tan had actually made every1 stay outside of the class and reprimanded us. She also mentioned that she would never trust our class ever again and said that everyone in the class are suspects. When she was saying that she would never trust out class, tears were coming out from her eyes. If anyone in the class was in her position, wouldn't you feel sad too? Imagine all the hard work and effort she placed into trying to make our class a better place and all Miss Tan gets back in return is a theft case with the person who did it being a coward by not admitting it. If anyone who reads this post is the actual thief, please post on the C-box. We would not punish or scold or blame you in any other way. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

todays homework
1. maths sports day homework
2. maths quad wksht 10 ( for the absentees)
3. maths quad wksht 11

tomorrow sports day is at 7:20am muz be there by 7:10am

remember wear ur fintan house t-shirt with pe shorts. attendance will be taken by ms gina tan

oh well shd end at around 12:00pm or later
and try not to bring ur handphones and not too much cash tomorrow
tt shd be all
byes :)

matthew chill i was only kidding leh

my no, is 92278221 luhh

Sunday, April 15, 2007

i have printed the literature handouts for the class
if u wanna get it free
1. muz be on best behaviour all lessons
best behaviour as in talk only whn nesscary.

if u dun wanna get it free. please pay a buck to me for it

byes <3

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

homeworks today:
1. maths wksht if havent finish
2. chemistry wksht 3

tomorrow no info skills lesson
sch ends at 12:30pm
thursday school ends at 1pm due to ms lee extra's lesson

chemistry grouping

1. ezra, alex, stuart, marcus teow, justin
2. gerald, isaac, jason, jonathan
3. matt chan, mervin, daryl, matt lim
4.wei jin, cheng hui, zac, ziran
5. imran, wen xian, alistair, russell
6. hua xiang, ryan tay, zhan xiang, howard
7. joel, joey, ryan yuan, darren
8. derek, kevin, jerald, yuveen

to change group update ur new members on the class list which is alr pinned on the notice board. further instructions are on the class list.

byes <3

Sunday, April 08, 2007

i noe this is very late but erm
tmw no nid to bring books or anyting.
school time is as usual
school ends at wat time i oso dunnoe but shd be earlier.
no lessons. blah blah blah

tts all i think

and homeworks
1. maths
2. chinese (express)
3. literature file check
4. reflection on Literature WOTB\
hmmz. think tts all.

byes =(

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Sry guyz/207ers
I screwed up in the 4X400m race
We were 3rd but when I ran I made
us 4th :(
My apologies

Friday, March 30, 2007


both are wrong. that's my opinion.

u noe gerald gwee and the chinese teacher thing. ( not trying to make matters worse)

i just feel that wadeva thing the teacher should not hit a student. she can shout or reason with him. in any case not hit.

den gerald was also wrong to use the three censored words especially to a teacher. if i put myself in gerlad's shoes i would feel unfair too but i would tell the teacher nicely or at least try my best to tell her it's wrong. if not i'll report it to other teachers.

so that's my opinion. wad's urs use taggy box. cbox

Saturday, March 24, 2007

1.geography test2
2.ocp essay
3.chinese(express) workbook 9
i think tt shd be all

mye is coming
study hard^^

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

wahh ok fine sorry for just telling a joke. since i "started" it i have to end it. i dun want to talk too much. just wanna say that we are not quarelling in the tagg board or "outside" the tagg board.

I just think we should not take things too seriously unless they are repeated like what Zhan Xiang did to me. Hoevever, Alex can be angry because we all are different people, what we see may not exactly turn out to be thier perception too.

I wanna stress it was reali a joke and I'm really sorry for that and i dun want any quarrels. and if u happen to be reading this, treat this as entertainment if u must but i hope u do get a message from here.
Alex and Alistair stop the crap in the tagging... What makes you so sure that the teacher even sees the blog even though she talked about it. Just stop quarrelling about who posts more and who posts less.. Just post whenever you can for the real reason of the blog? Anyways, must be smart like me to not put name so won't get involved in such quarrelling.
hello all.
today's hwk is nt much
1. ocp essay
2. info skills
3. swimming carnival form
4. chemistry: seperating misture Qn1-4

thats all
ryan tay was scolded today for his silly prank
i hope tt such a thing will nt happen again
to either

lets all pray for matthew; he's gone ^^


Saturday, March 17, 2007

oh well school is starting

sigh sigh sigh
im so NOT looking forward to it man

SOME MORE monday end at 2:10 pm

im depressed by the tot of it
homeworks shd be finished already,
science this term is chemistry,
bring ur notes and files and txtbk

school reopening
sigh sigh sigh

if only this was june hols luh
1 mth^^

i tot of something

there mite be those study together tings
u can join if u wan to
but but but
only studying
stay together
those reading
muz nt come and distract
and not sit together

and and and this term
we muz all be good people
muz be quiet
muz nt tok so much

st0mach ache

Thursday, March 08, 2007

hello all,
the class outing has been cancelled due to the tight scheldue this march hols.

march hol homework
1. read up literature pg 24-27
2. chinese hwk
3. history wksht qn1
4. geography wksht 8.4
5. reader's digest
- 2 articles
- do reader's digest wksht
6. maths on9 hwk

streaming talk
time: 7:15pm
venue: Performing Arts Studio
p/s: parents driving cars to Sji please come earlier to be able to get a parking lot and cars can onli be moved out whn the streaming talk is over bcoz the cars will be squeezed into the parking lot.

shd u lose any of ur wkshts,
to get it scanned to u/ photocopied for u
a fine of 50 cents will be charged and it will go to our class fund.

everyting muz be handed up on the first wk of term 2
reminder: term2= chemistry

if u have any opinion and wish to tell me on how to improve the class, do not hesitate to send me an email to my hotmail add:
or u can tag on the class blog or my own blog which will be checked regularly

thx =D
i will be posting on my blog this march hols so yeah. rmb to tag my blog ^^


Wednesday, March 07, 2007


hOMEWORK -.-''


nth much to tok bout today.. so yea.. juz posting for fun=)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


i lost a library book- the french confection in class i put in on the ledge came back frm com science yesterday dunnoe where already anyone seen it pls tell me.......

pls tell me if you've seen it or i'll have to fork out $19.20 le IS
congrats to those who scored wat u wanted, and for those who are disappointed wif ur results, try harder nxt term.

the class committee have tot of holding a class outing during the holidays. the time venue have nt been decided but i did lyk ur to please send an email to my acc if u coming or not, please send it to me as soon as possible as i need to see the total no. of ppl gng to decide on wat we do.

also, whnever u r checking the results, u r suppose to check out ur own one and not compare urself wif other ppl. u can compare wif them but please do not hold bak the paper and coz inconvenice to those ppl who are waiting to confirm their results. there are quite a no. of ppl who are dng this. i do not wish to see this happen again nxt term

i muz say bout someone in the class who i can c is putting in the effort to keep his comments to himself, howard. he has began to keep quiet n this is something we shd all learn. self discipline. even i am nt perfect in this. but for how long i dunnoe. maybe he can stand against time and well... nvrmd =DDDDDDDDDDDDD

as i will nt be in sch tmw due to my piano exam, i still wan the class to be on their best behaviour. so tmw our class will be lead by matthew lim and isaac. ur can report to me if ur find them corrupted or anyting

as i am nt feeling well, i will nt be shouting at ur to keep quiet. my voice is gng bcoz i keep shouting at ur. i hope ur will understand that it is nt tt im slacking but i have no more voice to shout and tmw is my piano pratical exam and i do not wanna totally lose my voice b4 tt.

so ya thats all


Finally bak to blogging =.="

*Sigh* 2moro hav 2 file checkz for english and Science plz don 4get. HW is er mathz (if u haven't done) and English (if u haven't done)

Monday, March 05, 2007

problems wif the class:
1. Gerald Gwee.
Learn to noe whn it is appropriate to tok to chenghui. any further complains from teachers, i will talk to ms tan to have ur sit change. i am nt saying that u cannot tok to chenghui, u can tok to him, but onli at times e.g. group discussions, during class breaks etc.. this are the times which are appropriate.
2.Jerald Lim and Darren Lim. ur r toking non-stop during lessons
3. Howard.
ur role as a class committee member is to help keep the class quiet, but, u have been asking the class to shut up and listen to ur totally unnesscary comments. i also wanna comment about ur behaviour. please stop toking to jerald lim and darren lim during times which are imappropriate
4. yuveen. please ensure that the class is always clean and the tables are neatly arrange.

respect to the teachers.
1. when the teacher ask our class to sit down, please listen and sit down. mrs fong is having a very difficult time controlling our class. not only that but im sure ur would have notice on how mrs loh is always so enthu in teaching our class, the least we can do is to listen and keep quiet. she takes the trouble to give us hwk even whn she is on mc, she bothers to go over wif us the common mistakes we make in essays.
2. regardless of any teacher, we muz always respect them and nt look down upon them juz bcz they are teaching a subject which is least important.
3. i noe this is very naggy but, i wan everyone to greet every teacher they see, even those who dosent teach our class. also i wan our class to turn from the most notorious class to the most discipline class, this is nt impossible bcoz i have seen things lyk tt happen b4 n as long as each one of us put in the effort, we would be the class every teacher would want to teach.

also juz a remainder to all, all of ur belongings muz be brought home by this coming friday, nth muz be left behind. if u have problems bring ur tings home, do not hesitate to approach any of the class committee members. we will do our best to help u solve ur problem.

signing off,
alex (92288221) do not hesitate to call me if u have problem in class

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hey guys,
i tot maybe ur could gimme some feedback and ideas on how to control to the class
and this is regarding about ppl calling imran names
and calling alistair a cow or other ppl names

if anyone is reported to any class committee member more than twice, they will be reported to ms tan and if this continues to happen, i will personally report him to mr chan

regarding the about the phone surrender every morning, all phones must be surrendered
warnings to ppl who seldom surrender their phone
1. Jerald Lim

regarding about the class committee behaviour
Howard has been disrupting the class quite often and i expect to c a chg in that. a reminder to yuveen. pls ensure tt classrm is always clean and that duty bois carry out their duty

classes are nt allowed to be open before 10:50 and muz be locked by 10:30. doors will nt be opened for those who wish to come back and chg into pe t shirt after recess. shd u wish to chg, pls bring ur uniform wif u too. however, if a teacher holds u bak for recess and u r unable to chg, please report to isaac, giving him the name of the teacher who held u back and how long exactly.

There are ppl who take their own swt time in leaving the classrm after our class is dismissed. please take note that u r to leave class before 1:35 on tue, wed, thur and 2:20 on mon, fri. Unless a teacher holds us back, no one is allowed to stay in class.

please note that if u have any complains of any class committee members or anyone in 207, please report them to either isaac, stuart , matthew lim or myself. ( nearest to you in class)

Thank you,

Friday, March 02, 2007


can't be bother to type so much stuff, this class never listens ok maybe sometimes. just want to make this point like wad Mr lai has said.

CAN'T 1 STUDENT JUST STOP IRRITATING/DISTURBING THE OTHER, DEN THE OTHER STUDENT DUN HAF TO DEFEND HIMSELF OR SHOUT BACK AT THE STUDENT, DEN PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! and if tt student shouts back at the other student, like me which i haf no choice to do so, it makes noise and irritates the rest too.

isn't it so "bloody" simple!!! aniway not like tt person's going to read this.


1. English letter writing to President Of Singapore on Global Warming

2. Do corrections and file ur ws into ur English file

3. same goes 4 physics file

4. bring geog stuff on Monday

5. geog ws 8.1 and 8.2

6. Maths holiday homework ( email)

7. com science think of more scenes or just scenes.....if u havent done so

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

follow up post

OK yay a non-stereotypical picture taken at the rangers's station at the TTW
And of course Isaac =) on the highest floor of the Jelutong Tower gotta climb 7 stories sei.

and if u havent read the earlier post which was also done today pls do........i made another post coz got no space to upload so many pics in 1 post (entry) =)

clASS BLOG & Enrichment Day

nice pic hor rule of thirds....................
Finally, after 19 posts, Miss Tan finally knew bout this blog. but aniway, if she din noe, who will read the posts............. and today was a damn fun day...i went to tree top walk while the rest of u went to NEWater, Sungei Buloh and Bukit Timah........
den we had the presentations, foget about "Forest Idol" tt was lame -.-'' ( x 33) ( coz i think the whole class did the fake clapping)
i will attach the pictures here from my TTP.

The entrance to tree top walk haiz walk for so long but so fun too

Part of the "hike" involves multiple walking up and down the stairs

The wonderful scenery & the bridge

Wednesday, February 21, 2007




There's a retard in the class,
with an IQ of only 50 plus.
He asks me why then he can get into SJI.
Exactly, that's the question and I wonder why.
Actually he's smart,
but his arrogance makes me wish he'd smell my fart.

WOOpy! if u find tt crude, sorry but no vulgar language...right??

singning off, incessant irritant S.
Alistair Yapk (purposely de)

Friday, February 16, 2007

hahaha lalalala

tODAY SOMEONE MADE ME CRY IN DA HALL, but anyway, he got back his karma. (not zhan xiang)....aniway todae zhan xiang said to me that, people call me cow i dun want admit, but ppl call him spastic he admit.............he said " t least i got admit i'm spastic"............(serious he told me tt)


during english lesson, we were supposed to watch T.D.A.T but cnt watch so we become polar bears ( alex's favourite...........juz jk) den we do until so noisy, some clsmates had to go out of class to their work.

i shall sae no more, u no the endings....juz dun do it again

signing off, incessant bugging screamer,

Alistair Yap

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Woolalas, hey ppl, im here to post again=). today was a bad day, i lost lyk 10 bucks to Ezra becoz of a stupid bet. wth. i wasted 10 marks in the maths test liaox leh, nvr ans the qn but but but but im sure tt i can at least get an A for geog if mrs fong dosent correct me for grammer mistake
so yuh tt all

cyas. mugging literature

p/s: jerald u beta surrender ur phone in the morning, if i catch u wif the phone, the phone is gonna be the property of sji =.=

Friday, February 09, 2007

THE ZHAN XIANG INCIDENT ( literature format)

SORRY TO SAE I FEEL VERY SORRY FOR ALEX THAT HE USED MY NAME IN THE CBOX TO SAE I'M A COW......i'm also very sorry to sae some teachers made the wrong decision to make alex a prefect (OKAY JUST JOKING LAH COZ I NOE ALEX ALSO JOKING BUT WAD I GONNA WRITE IN THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS..............ARE GONNA BE REAL n serious)

Aniway, u all noe tt xhan xiang has a cut on his shoulder there and like baluku there and is not imran or my fault, is his fault.

Now i will show u in the few points mentioned below why it is his fault.

it was recess time and almost a small grp of 207 ppl wanted to play catching and i was made the catcher so zhanxiang was also part of the game. so it was like 1 person start running the others all follow but all split up. ( some kind of 1, 2 ,3 go den all run in diff. directions)

den everyone was running, i ran in a straight line frm the canteen to the Pe department the panels there. I wanted to chase joey but he made a right turn and ran to towards the direction of the labs, I couldn't stop in time so i ran slowly( somewhat like jog) to the panels there. i saw zhan xiang. he was in frnt of me like 1 m away frm me, but he din see me. he run like siao not because he knew i was chasing him but he was running in case the catcher catch him. ( u wuld do the same thing too rite)

and because recess was ending soon, many ppl were walking back thru the passage of the panels (in between LT 1 and PE department), zhan xiang tried to squeeze thru the side ( near the panels) but as he was running also he hit the panels quite hard. den the plastic panels like vibrate.

den many ppl reactions were like ( dunnoe how to describe) aniway zhan xiang clutched his arm, look back den saw me....

so obviously, no one to blame, zhan xiang make me the scapegoat....tell almost everyone is my fault and den ziran purposely irritate me sae ya lar alistair make zhan xiang.. blahh blah blah..i was damn pissed off lah...

so after zhan xiang squatted down near the sec 3 blk grnd floor the toilet cluthching his arm. den at tt time i did not know how serious the damage was. den i said to zhan xiang " u deserve it. see u so pathetic dun catch u le" but i tap him on his knee also aniway so means i catch him lah.

i was not being mean coz i did not know the damage at tt time i just thought it was just a hit. when i said u deserve it was because, he kept calling me cow, kept talking rubbish and always so arrogant e.g : he said to me " haha ur maths so poor/ waaa dunnoe how to do!/ my allowance $10 a day/ i live condominium penthouse/ haha i run faster than you COW!" EVEN IF they were true, i dun see the need to laugh at ppl or boast. so maybe tt's his karma ( i not karma boi hor)

so it was only when we got to class he roll up to sleeve den i saw, damn scary lah the cut.

but worse, HE BLAMED ME.,.,,


1st : he did not see me chasing him he ran in case he got caught

2nd : i did not push him to the panels which means i did not purposely injure him

3rd : EVEN IF i was chasing him and he saw me, tt doesn't gif him the excuse to accuse me . WHY?? because even when a catcher is gonna catch doesn't mean u have to knock into panels. other people play catching and the person being caught does not hit into panels.

4. it is his own fault coz he wants to play and coz he did not take care of himself well and made me the scapegoat just coz he saw me after he injured himself.

and that is why i am angry with zhan xiang.

in the above paragraphs mentioned, I have explained clearly why it is zhan xiang's fault and why he should not push the blame to others. However, i really sympathise with him....
THIS blog sux, dun tag it go to my blog and tag =D wooolalalas


Thursday, February 01, 2007



wish him all the best ( heee, joke!) lol ya but seriously


1) english bring the animal and environment articles
2)Maths Simultaneoues equations ws 2
3) science ws 6a, 6b and 6c ( i reali can't do lor~~~heee, joke!.............)
4) Lit.~Act 1, Scene 3 summary


The Broken English A.K.A Alistair (heee, joke!)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Last minute notification

1. maths ws
2. science ws 6A, 6B, 6C
3.Info skills file to be handed in tmr

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Me @ the SJI-SJAB annual BBQ (2006) and plz don't mind the poor add-ons
See Alistair the drummer @ sec 1 orientation camp (2007)
Send me ur pics with ur special moments through msn and see them on the blog XD

Monday, January 29, 2007

Where's ur manners ~ in the toilet?(bowl)

Actually seriously i think is a matter of discipline. and sometimes i dun want to sae these 3 words but reali haf to sae "没家教 " means no upbrining. i'm sure everybody has, but maybe just dun want to listen.

miss tan, mrs loh, telling us off everyday, are also lessons of upbrining, teaching us moral values, in case u dun noe. the reason i dun want sae these words
没家教 is because other ppl will sae if i haf 家教, den my mother will teach me not to use these words.

but usually tt's wad i sae to ppl. it's reali no choice when i have to sae that...the feelings r all gathered up inside ur heart. u want to voice out, no one hears u, no one understands u. p4- p6 i had tt feelings, coz if u dun noe i was called names everyday. den i will call them back u prostit***or gigolo(it's not a vulgarity, but also not a very good word to use either).

den i realise, they still continued, i mean if ppl r like tt wad can u do, i've tried ignoring, but they still call, in the end u haf to gif up. i tried defending for myself, it gets worse, starts a quarrel. MY point is there's no point calling other names, hurts them deep down inside, demoralise their self-esteem.

I don't see the need for name-calling but now since there's this thing in class, i see the need for it to be nipped in the butt! referring to matt chan's post, about ppl calling SJAB ~ ass jab. TT's ppl's CCA and it has nth to do with u. put urself in other's shoes and u will understand.

to all those bulliers, name-callers if u r small, dun bully. if u're tall, pick on someone ur own height, if u're fat pick on someone ur own width and if u're a coward like the person who din admit tt he was the 1 who wrote tt word on the board, be a man


I agree completely with Matthew Chan

Hate it when so noisy in class.. want to listen also cannot.. then whole day get scolded for doing nothing =.= waste my time only. Just like some people whole day disturb class. PSE reflection go do quick quick test tomorrow still got time see blog. PSE reflection "some people" write about themselves easily while others have to think hard.

(First post so I use proper English)

I agree completely with alistair

I completely agree as i also hate people calling me stuff like singing "Chan Mali Chan" in front of my face. I really hate it. I also don't like it when people insult me CCA say wad "SJAB (Ass Jab)" or as said by darren "SJAB (St Joseph's AIDS Backsides)". I do not know y people are doing this but i think that they should juz keep words to themselves and shuddup and quit insulting people. I am also frustrated by the way the class behaves when the teacher is out or has yet to come. The teacher somehow is like a remote control when him/her is near the class some "lookout" from the class would be checking if the teacher has come back and would alert the class about the teacher coming back. The class would then stop talking and act like a bunch of goodie-two shoes (there is however some pupils who are sitting at their sits quietly and preparing for the lesson/reading a book/doing homework) this is very distractive as those people doing work will be disturbed by the noise by the others


pls show some respect, responsibility and understanding and almost every quality u ever know......Todae ya all know what happened during PSE le....on the board because of just 1 word. That "F" means something sexual..............or just an expression for anger/ slang.

I dun want to point out suspects coz i dun think accusing anyone without appropriate evidence is right and maybe if we r accsuing the wrong person, he may feel damn irritated.

In any case, I don't like the coward. It may be anyone of of u reading this, but i just want to say if u r a man face the music, prepare to get punished for what you have done and LEARN FROM IT! yes u may not mean it and wrote it for fun, but at least please erase! in the first place, that word should not even have been written.

If the whole class really get pink/yellow forms, I feel that it's very unfair to rest of the innocent people. Sometimes (most of the time), we do things without thinking wad the consequence is.....I really hope the culprit can search deep down within his conscience. OK anyway point is, DUN WRITE OR SAE THIS TYPE OF STUFF (maybe the culprit can write y he did tt in the tag box and put his name as anonmynous-spell correctly??)

Next, I feel that we really have to respect our teachers and classmates. Most of the time, I really can't hear wad the teacher says or understand coz the class speaks when the teacher speaks, miss out alot of points and time. Time which the teacher uses to wait for us to quieten and time when he or she scolds.

I think that's the reason y most of us don't do well as compared to other classes. Don't u realise that the class everytime after get scolded will really shut up like damn remorseful but the next period like nth happen den repeat again until the nxt teacher have to scold.

SHUT UP awhile will die meh. pls know when to talk and when not. another issue is name-calling( pls refer to previous post on "Learning n reflecting ") ppl call me cow alot of times, it's hard u noe. I dun reali like to call ppl names though coz ppl r usually like that ~~~~ they insult u can, u sae them back cnt. And another reason is because they wun like. PUT URSELF IN OTHER'S SHOES!!! tt's wad i always do. ( if u r not spastic or retarded u will know wad i mean)

den call here call there, in the end both parties quarrel, become enemies, dun talk....i dun think is a very good thing lor.Can't we all understand how each of us feel. y must we go make fun of ppl's names, the "product" of it = hatred and enemies forever. except now imran and i on better terms ( i'm not just defending myself k).

but still the same, things don't really seem to chng. now it's zhan xiang's turn being a racist towards Imran. (karma?? lol joking i wouldn't really say that) i mean it really hurt ppl emotionally. sometimes u can tell me " oh it's all right. i call him names he also nv sae anything." wad u dun noe is actually deep down inside, ppl r really hurt but they dun choose to express it.

so the summary of this whole thing

= grandmother story =)

(but seriously "put urself in other's shoes")

Sunday, January 28, 2007


1)physics exercise 4 and 5 if u havent finished and exercise 6A.
2) sign page 46 of sch diary if u havent
3) bring articles on environment and animals for English
5) express chinese : assesment bk excercise 1
6) higher chinese : jian bao and kao cha corrections + parent's signature

and reali hope mr lai's lesson more interesting, always trying to stay awake


ok byes so much hw

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Today at 207

Today, the class soccer ball was Confiscated by Miss Tan who would only return the ball if the class was more well-behaved. No one from the class is allowed to bring a soccer ball to school for playing as the class would be banned from soccer forever for doing so. By the way if anyone didn't realise there were tears in Miss Tan's eyes although she didn't cry.
Remember: Chinese students bring Electronic dictionary for 2moro and $3.50 for the assesment book, $0.40 for the file and $0.10 for plastic cover. Higher chinese newspaper cutting and test tmr.
-Standard form worksheet 1
-History pg 84 question b and c

now quiz time ~~~ u all noe wad is nigysob how bout nigycb?? anybody noes??

answer : nigycb = now i got you clever boy ( hahaz i reali got cha)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

heez heez bies lah tok so much loneliness =)

lallalalllalalala ( follow Alex de =) ) do blogging also feeling very stress de leh lol.

First congratz RYAN YUAN on being the 207 History REP!!* applause applause* (passion for the foolscap lol)
actually when the nominees outside(includes me)*ah-hem*, we can hear the cheers for Russell. Den the Mr.Spastic (changed name to protect myslef luhrs~or else he'll sae i !$^@# him on the net), call us back in tt time, whisper to us sae 207 bluff us and ryan yuan is actually the winner so we all noe. 207 blame YOU KNOW WHO!!! ok nvm just jk, in the end we also noe...

secondly, got history hw and lit. maths and info skills and +++ i forgot aniway this time, i bet most of u already done ur hw while i havent even touch any hw lor haiz okay and by the time u all read this blog already tmr le haiz okokok tmr and maybe until nxt tuesday probably will not blog , no computer wire coz mum taking out coz i blogging den sae i rude, when i dun think i was nvm ( dun put ur dirty linen in public - is this how the phrase goes?? aniway u got my meaning gtg liao bies =) )

Monday, January 22, 2007

Learning n reflecting

today's hw maths onli izzit? still gort literature "cheatsheet" and ya INFO SKILLS!!!
so we'll not only be writing about homework but about things we do in class and as a class. this is a class blog not just a homework blog. Today's behaviour " stinked to high heavens". We pissed off Ms Tan , the history teacher (OMG I FORGOT HER NAME), Mrs Loh and the com science relief teacher. By the way, Miss tan's hairstyle really reminds me of Michelle Chong, the Channel 8 Actress, it's a compliment.

Then we had to stand at the beginning of Mrs Loh and Ms Tan's period. Why can't the class have some disipline ( of course, that includes me ) . Know when to talk and when not. "Mr. Spastic/ Retard"( name changed to protect his identity..........u shld know who) always says sometimes humorous but uncalled-for remarks, which is eventually irritaing and disturbing, especially when the teacher is already boiling with rage.

Moral Values are important ( Here i go again...........), they reflect not only on ur behaviour but ur upbringing. U might think upbrinigng so just shows how ur parents have taught u although some people just don't want to listen......YOU KNOW WHO (not Voldemort pls)

Let me just go straight to the point, anyone heard of the song "Ugly" by Sugababes?( i put part of the lyrics on my msn many times b4!!.....)

The lyrics seem meaningful and goes like this :

When I was seven they said I was strange
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same
I asked my parents if I was okay
They said "you're more beautiful and that's the way
They show that they wish that they had your smile"
So my confidence was up for a while
I got real comfortable with my own style
I knew that they were only jealous 'cause

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you
So are you

There was a time when I felt like I cared
That I was shorter than everyone there
People made me feel like life was unfair
And I did things that made me ashamed'
Cause I didn't know my body would change
I grew taller than them in more ways
But there will always be the one who will say
Something bad to make them feel great


People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you
So are you

Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realise how it affects somebody
And you bet it won't be forgotten
Envy is the only thing it could be

'Cause people are all the same (the same, the same)
And we only get judged by what we do (what we do, yeah yeah)
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you
So are you

From this song, learn to :

accept others for who they are
not to judge
just be yourself
and dun insult others because it takes 1 to know 1 ( if i'm ugly den so are you so are you ) =)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Stuff due tomorrow : the english and literature brochure