Tuesday, January 23, 2007

heez heez bies lah tok so much loneliness =)

lallalalllalalala ( follow Alex de =) ) do blogging also feeling very stress de leh lol.

First congratz RYAN YUAN on being the 207 History REP!!* applause applause* (passion for the foolscap lol)
actually when the nominees outside(includes me)*ah-hem*, we can hear the cheers for Russell. Den the Mr.Spastic (changed name to protect myslef luhrs~or else he'll sae i !$^@# him on the net), call us back in tt time, whisper to us sae 207 bluff us and ryan yuan is actually the winner so we all noe. 207 blame YOU KNOW WHO!!! ok nvm just jk, in the end we also noe...

secondly, got history hw and lit. maths and info skills and +++ i forgot aniway this time, i bet most of u already done ur hw while i havent even touch any hw lor haiz okay and by the time u all read this blog already tmr le haiz okokok tmr and maybe until nxt tuesday probably will not blog , no computer wire coz mum taking out coz i blogging den sae i rude, when i dun think i was nvm ( dun put ur dirty linen in public - is this how the phrase goes?? aniway u got my meaning gtg liao bies =) )

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