Tuesday, April 10, 2007

homeworks today:
1. maths wksht if havent finish
2. chemistry wksht 3

tomorrow no info skills lesson
sch ends at 12:30pm
thursday school ends at 1pm due to ms lee extra's lesson

chemistry grouping

1. ezra, alex, stuart, marcus teow, justin
2. gerald, isaac, jason, jonathan
3. matt chan, mervin, daryl, matt lim
4.wei jin, cheng hui, zac, ziran
5. imran, wen xian, alistair, russell
6. hua xiang, ryan tay, zhan xiang, howard
7. joel, joey, ryan yuan, darren
8. derek, kevin, jerald, yuveen

to change group update ur new members on the class list which is alr pinned on the notice board. further instructions are on the class list.

byes <3

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