Thursday, May 03, 2007

bAD GUYS in class could be good & REPUTation wise.....l

WARNING: my sch story and cls story mix uped

although, some guys are bad in class, which u noe, just to name a few, imran, zhan xiang and gerald(not discriminating them)actually are good. we all have our badsides (not backside) but we don't show themtill we're totally angry or insane. but those "bad" ppl just choose to show them.

they're not bad at all, seriously. zhan xiang, imran and gerald.imran used to be my best friend during the SYF practise days. we sat on the bus, exchange storybks, on talking terms. den all of a sudden, the cow thing came about, he joined in, i felt betrayed. i knew he was a good person.

before that, zhan xiang was my friend when nobody was his. simpler terms: zhan xiang was my friend when everyone called "gay". i defended im like all the way,very sure he was a good person, from the way he talked to me, not spastic at all.ya. den when physics grouping for project, all the ldrs came out to choose their grp members.i was eng. rep but i din choose him.

den he was like alistair, why u din chooseme and frm then for gerald i dunnoe

fact is, i'm more than myself when i hve enrichment class on sunday. it means that, i let out more of my "bad side" , not bullying, lke try to be funny, but i noe when to control.i dunnoe y too but that can be controlled. maybe ppl like imran, gerald and zhan xiang trying to chng, but they might think that their clsmates(us) might feel weird in their sudden change of behaviour, in my opinon lah...,.,/

so next, today brother jason's talk was inspiring. imran said that his follow-up action will be to like work AS a classs something like that.but the next minute, after brother j's period and everyone left for recess, mervin came up to imran and said something like imran must chng ah in sarcastic way. den imran pushed him den want to fight, i got to shout stop it. he din keep to his promise.

ok long story, so anyway, i realised that we have 1 teacher we really should not have disappoint, MRS LOH.

BROTHER JASON SAID LET'S DO SOMETHING TAT WLL BRING UP OUR REPUTATION.maybe scoring well and settling down quickly in class.

Mrs Loh has a sorethroat today, but there is a chng this term, the way she teaches us. she writes on the board, the work we have to complete, instead of saying it. and if u still din realise, we dun class satnd and say "THANK YOU MRS LOH" at the end of lesson. she just leaves.she is a good teacher, although some might think otherwise, it's not that she doesn't wantto greet us, when has athe class been quiet when the bell rings. some of us are standing up, walking arnd.

so i hope that somebody can shout cLASS STand den we say thank you mrsloh. not to bring our reputation up, but to do something fair for her. you can't even count this fair, it's lik amust in evry lesson. even in Brother jason's lesson, we at least say bye!

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