Tuesday, February 27, 2007

clASS BLOG & Enrichment Day

nice pic hor rule of thirds....................
Finally, after 19 posts, Miss Tan finally knew bout this blog. but aniway, if she din noe, who will read the posts............. and today was a damn fun day...i went to tree top walk while the rest of u went to NEWater, Sungei Buloh and Bukit Timah........
den we had the presentations, foget about "Forest Idol" tt was lame -.-'' ( x 33) ( coz i think the whole class did the fake clapping)
i will attach the pictures here from my TTP.

The entrance to tree top walk haiz walk for so long but so fun too

Part of the "hike" involves multiple walking up and down the stairs

The wonderful scenery & the bridge

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