Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Last minute notification

1. maths ws
2. science ws 6A, 6B, 6C
3.Info skills file to be handed in tmr

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Me @ the SJI-SJAB annual BBQ (2006) and plz don't mind the poor add-ons
See Alistair the drummer @ sec 1 orientation camp (2007)
Send me ur pics with ur special moments through msn and see them on the blog XD

Monday, January 29, 2007

Where's ur manners ~ in the toilet?(bowl)

Actually seriously i think is a matter of discipline. and sometimes i dun want to sae these 3 words but reali haf to sae "没家教 " means no upbrining. i'm sure everybody has, but maybe just dun want to listen.

miss tan, mrs loh, telling us off everyday, are also lessons of upbrining, teaching us moral values, in case u dun noe. the reason i dun want sae these words
没家教 is because other ppl will sae if i haf 家教, den my mother will teach me not to use these words.

but usually tt's wad i sae to ppl. it's reali no choice when i have to sae that...the feelings r all gathered up inside ur heart. u want to voice out, no one hears u, no one understands u. p4- p6 i had tt feelings, coz if u dun noe i was called names everyday. den i will call them back u prostit***or gigolo(it's not a vulgarity, but also not a very good word to use either).

den i realise, they still continued, i mean if ppl r like tt wad can u do, i've tried ignoring, but they still call, in the end u haf to gif up. i tried defending for myself, it gets worse, starts a quarrel. MY point is there's no point calling other names, hurts them deep down inside, demoralise their self-esteem.

I don't see the need for name-calling but now since there's this thing in class, i see the need for it to be nipped in the butt! referring to matt chan's post, about ppl calling SJAB ~ ass jab. TT's ppl's CCA and it has nth to do with u. put urself in other's shoes and u will understand.

to all those bulliers, name-callers if u r small, dun bully. if u're tall, pick on someone ur own height, if u're fat pick on someone ur own width and if u're a coward like the person who din admit tt he was the 1 who wrote tt word on the board, be a man


I agree completely with Matthew Chan

Hate it when so noisy in class.. want to listen also cannot.. then whole day get scolded for doing nothing =.= waste my time only. Just like some people whole day disturb class. PSE reflection go do quick quick test tomorrow still got time see blog. PSE reflection "some people" write about themselves easily while others have to think hard.

(First post so I use proper English)

I agree completely with alistair

I completely agree as i also hate people calling me stuff like singing "Chan Mali Chan" in front of my face. I really hate it. I also don't like it when people insult me CCA say wad "SJAB (Ass Jab)" or as said by darren "SJAB (St Joseph's AIDS Backsides)". I do not know y people are doing this but i think that they should juz keep words to themselves and shuddup and quit insulting people. I am also frustrated by the way the class behaves when the teacher is out or has yet to come. The teacher somehow is like a remote control when him/her is near the class some "lookout" from the class would be checking if the teacher has come back and would alert the class about the teacher coming back. The class would then stop talking and act like a bunch of goodie-two shoes (there is however some pupils who are sitting at their sits quietly and preparing for the lesson/reading a book/doing homework) this is very distractive as those people doing work will be disturbed by the noise by the others


pls show some respect, responsibility and understanding and almost every quality u ever know......Todae ya all know what happened during PSE le....on the board because of just 1 word. That "F" means something sexual..............or just an expression for anger/ slang.

I dun want to point out suspects coz i dun think accusing anyone without appropriate evidence is right and maybe if we r accsuing the wrong person, he may feel damn irritated.

In any case, I don't like the coward. It may be anyone of of u reading this, but i just want to say if u r a man face the music, prepare to get punished for what you have done and LEARN FROM IT! yes u may not mean it and wrote it for fun, but at least please erase! in the first place, that word should not even have been written.

If the whole class really get pink/yellow forms, I feel that it's very unfair to rest of the innocent people. Sometimes (most of the time), we do things without thinking wad the consequence is.....I really hope the culprit can search deep down within his conscience. OK anyway point is, DUN WRITE OR SAE THIS TYPE OF STUFF (maybe the culprit can write y he did tt in the tag box and put his name as anonmynous-spell correctly??)

Next, I feel that we really have to respect our teachers and classmates. Most of the time, I really can't hear wad the teacher says or understand coz the class speaks when the teacher speaks, miss out alot of points and time. Time which the teacher uses to wait for us to quieten and time when he or she scolds.

I think that's the reason y most of us don't do well as compared to other classes. Don't u realise that the class everytime after get scolded will really shut up like damn remorseful but the next period like nth happen den repeat again until the nxt teacher have to scold.

SHUT UP awhile will die meh. pls know when to talk and when not. another issue is name-calling( pls refer to previous post on "Learning n reflecting ") ppl call me cow alot of times, it's hard u noe. I dun reali like to call ppl names though coz ppl r usually like that ~~~~ they insult u can, u sae them back cnt. And another reason is because they wun like. PUT URSELF IN OTHER'S SHOES!!! tt's wad i always do. ( if u r not spastic or retarded u will know wad i mean)

den call here call there, in the end both parties quarrel, become enemies, dun talk....i dun think is a very good thing lor.Can't we all understand how each of us feel. y must we go make fun of ppl's names, the "product" of it = hatred and enemies forever. except now imran and i on better terms ( i'm not just defending myself k).

but still the same, things don't really seem to chng. now it's zhan xiang's turn being a racist towards Imran. (karma?? lol joking i wouldn't really say that) i mean it really hurt ppl emotionally. sometimes u can tell me " oh it's all right. i call him names he also nv sae anything." wad u dun noe is actually deep down inside, ppl r really hurt but they dun choose to express it.

so the summary of this whole thing

= grandmother story =)

(but seriously "put urself in other's shoes")

Sunday, January 28, 2007


1)physics exercise 4 and 5 if u havent finished and exercise 6A.
2) sign page 46 of sch diary if u havent
3) bring articles on environment and animals for English
5) express chinese : assesment bk excercise 1
6) higher chinese : jian bao and kao cha corrections + parent's signature

and reali hope mr lai's lesson more interesting, always trying to stay awake


ok byes so much hw

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Today at 207

Today, the class soccer ball was Confiscated by Miss Tan who would only return the ball if the class was more well-behaved. No one from the class is allowed to bring a soccer ball to school for playing as the class would be banned from soccer forever for doing so. By the way if anyone didn't realise there were tears in Miss Tan's eyes although she didn't cry.
Remember: Chinese students bring Electronic dictionary for 2moro and $3.50 for the assesment book, $0.40 for the file and $0.10 for plastic cover. Higher chinese newspaper cutting and test tmr.
-Standard form worksheet 1
-History pg 84 question b and c

now quiz time ~~~ u all noe wad is nigysob how bout nigycb?? anybody noes??

answer : nigycb = now i got you clever boy ( hahaz i reali got cha)

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

heez heez bies lah tok so much loneliness =)

lallalalllalalala ( follow Alex de =) ) do blogging also feeling very stress de leh lol.

First congratz RYAN YUAN on being the 207 History REP!!* applause applause* (passion for the foolscap lol)
actually when the nominees outside(includes me)*ah-hem*, we can hear the cheers for Russell. Den the Mr.Spastic (changed name to protect myslef luhrs~or else he'll sae i !$^@# him on the net), call us back in tt time, whisper to us sae 207 bluff us and ryan yuan is actually the winner so we all noe. 207 blame YOU KNOW WHO!!! ok nvm just jk, in the end we also noe...

secondly, got history hw and lit. maths and info skills and +++ i forgot aniway this time, i bet most of u already done ur hw while i havent even touch any hw lor haiz okay and by the time u all read this blog already tmr le haiz okokok tmr and maybe until nxt tuesday probably will not blog , no computer wire coz mum taking out coz i blogging den sae i rude, when i dun think i was nvm ( dun put ur dirty linen in public - is this how the phrase goes?? aniway u got my meaning gtg liao bies =) )

Monday, January 22, 2007

Learning n reflecting

today's hw maths onli izzit? still gort literature "cheatsheet" and ya INFO SKILLS!!!
so we'll not only be writing about homework but about things we do in class and as a class. this is a class blog not just a homework blog. Today's behaviour " stinked to high heavens". We pissed off Ms Tan , the history teacher (OMG I FORGOT HER NAME), Mrs Loh and the com science relief teacher. By the way, Miss tan's hairstyle really reminds me of Michelle Chong, the Channel 8 Actress, it's a compliment.

Then we had to stand at the beginning of Mrs Loh and Ms Tan's period. Why can't the class have some disipline ( of course, that includes me ) . Know when to talk and when not. "Mr. Spastic/ Retard"( name changed to protect his identity..........u shld know who) always says sometimes humorous but uncalled-for remarks, which is eventually irritaing and disturbing, especially when the teacher is already boiling with rage.

Moral Values are important ( Here i go again...........), they reflect not only on ur behaviour but ur upbringing. U might think upbrinigng so just shows how ur parents have taught u although some people just don't want to listen......YOU KNOW WHO (not Voldemort pls)

Let me just go straight to the point, anyone heard of the song "Ugly" by Sugababes?( i put part of the lyrics on my msn many times b4!!.....)

The lyrics seem meaningful and goes like this :

When I was seven they said I was strange
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same
I asked my parents if I was okay
They said "you're more beautiful and that's the way
They show that they wish that they had your smile"
So my confidence was up for a while
I got real comfortable with my own style
I knew that they were only jealous 'cause

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you
So are you

There was a time when I felt like I cared
That I was shorter than everyone there
People made me feel like life was unfair
And I did things that made me ashamed'
Cause I didn't know my body would change
I grew taller than them in more ways
But there will always be the one who will say
Something bad to make them feel great


People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you
So are you

Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realise how it affects somebody
And you bet it won't be forgotten
Envy is the only thing it could be

'Cause people are all the same (the same, the same)
And we only get judged by what we do (what we do, yeah yeah)
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then so are you
So are you

From this song, learn to :

accept others for who they are
not to judge
just be yourself
and dun insult others because it takes 1 to know 1 ( if i'm ugly den so are you so are you ) =)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Stuff due tomorrow : the english and literature brochure