Friday, May 25, 2007

Holiday Homework

  1. Independent Learning on Linear & Quadratic Graphs
  2. AMC Qns 1-30 (Junior Section)
  3. MYE 2004 Paper 1 & 2


  1. Cycle 2 LSS paper


  1. The Pen Awards Reader's Digest English Wrting Composition (How I Made A Difference)


  1. Worksheet 9.1 (workbook 2)


  1. 3 essay questions ( Q2, 3, 4)
  2. Oral Reading Practice


  1. AA ( BY TERM 1 WEEK 6)


  1. Unseen Poetry

Higher Chinese

  1. 实用文 & 作文


Thursday, May 03, 2007

bAD GUYS in class could be good & REPUTation wise.....l

WARNING: my sch story and cls story mix uped

although, some guys are bad in class, which u noe, just to name a few, imran, zhan xiang and gerald(not discriminating them)actually are good. we all have our badsides (not backside) but we don't show themtill we're totally angry or insane. but those "bad" ppl just choose to show them.

they're not bad at all, seriously. zhan xiang, imran and gerald.imran used to be my best friend during the SYF practise days. we sat on the bus, exchange storybks, on talking terms. den all of a sudden, the cow thing came about, he joined in, i felt betrayed. i knew he was a good person.

before that, zhan xiang was my friend when nobody was his. simpler terms: zhan xiang was my friend when everyone called "gay". i defended im like all the way,very sure he was a good person, from the way he talked to me, not spastic at all.ya. den when physics grouping for project, all the ldrs came out to choose their grp members.i was eng. rep but i din choose him.

den he was like alistair, why u din chooseme and frm then for gerald i dunnoe

fact is, i'm more than myself when i hve enrichment class on sunday. it means that, i let out more of my "bad side" , not bullying, lke try to be funny, but i noe when to control.i dunnoe y too but that can be controlled. maybe ppl like imran, gerald and zhan xiang trying to chng, but they might think that their clsmates(us) might feel weird in their sudden change of behaviour, in my opinon lah...,.,/

so next, today brother jason's talk was inspiring. imran said that his follow-up action will be to like work AS a classs something like that.but the next minute, after brother j's period and everyone left for recess, mervin came up to imran and said something like imran must chng ah in sarcastic way. den imran pushed him den want to fight, i got to shout stop it. he din keep to his promise.

ok long story, so anyway, i realised that we have 1 teacher we really should not have disappoint, MRS LOH.

BROTHER JASON SAID LET'S DO SOMETHING TAT WLL BRING UP OUR REPUTATION.maybe scoring well and settling down quickly in class.

Mrs Loh has a sorethroat today, but there is a chng this term, the way she teaches us. she writes on the board, the work we have to complete, instead of saying it. and if u still din realise, we dun class satnd and say "THANK YOU MRS LOH" at the end of lesson. she just leaves.she is a good teacher, although some might think otherwise, it's not that she doesn't wantto greet us, when has athe class been quiet when the bell rings. some of us are standing up, walking arnd.

so i hope that somebody can shout cLASS STand den we say thank you mrsloh. not to bring our reputation up, but to do something fair for her. you can't even count this fair, it's lik amust in evry lesson. even in Brother jason's lesson, we at least say bye!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

cmon man. u dun expect me to post the hwk whn im not even in school the first place. gosh why muz we make ms tan cry. its not even nice. our class is already something no teacher wanna tok about. yet we have internal quarrels everyday. we are bias against the minorities.gerald gwee crying.its not something we shd tease him bout. imran being very attention seeking. we muz not scold him, we shd lecture him.

we are together and this will be our final year together for most of us. why dun we appreciate those who are beside us now. maybe learn and come to realise that teachers after teachers are giving us up. although mrs vastel is an exception but we muz also realise that pleasing one teacher, making him or her feel happy to come to this class is juz not enof. we muz make every teacher enjoy teaching our class. every teacher including those who are juz reliefs. also miss josephine lee? or wee i dunnoe. anyways she came to complain bout our class being too noisy. its already a nono. i muz also say it really takes a big effort to even keep the class quiet. it takes almost most of my energy to get everyone to sit down and keep quiet. i have to shout. i even tot maybe i shd approach the class the 'soft' way but its juz useless.

also, although we have a few bad people in our class, we shd not blame everything on them. we shd accept everything and take this things as learning experience, experience which cannot be found in books. it is not often in which we have to live wif people we dun like. we shd learn to adapt and accept everyone.

although i wasnt there tt day which russell 10 bucks got stolen. i can roughly picture the scenario.
juz wanna tell the thief this thing
not only are u putting everyone around u in a bad spot. but u are also putting the teachers in a bad spot. ms tan has a life to live. mr chan has kids to look after.
but yet time and again we are always obstructing them from doing wat they wan as they always have to stay bak and lecture us

maybe we shd all reflect
whether we are the top few students in the class
the bottom few
whether we are student leaders.
whether we are noisy or one of the quiet few in the class
izzit fair
to our parents
to our loved ones
to our frenz
to our teachers
for every thing they have sacrifice for us
and yet we not only do not appreciate it but
instead be a difficult son, student, fren to them.

maybe we shd oso see
things do not last forever
we have only 5 mths more
to our streaming year
nxt year will be the year
where we spilt

but b4 we even go tt far
let us all reflect

for the things we have done wrong
for the people we have pained
for the things we can improve on
for anything tt is considered as wrong

to be better people
better josephians
better singaporeans
give our best in everything we do

its juz tt.
i have nothing else to say
we are one class
one family
i do not wanna critise
for everyone is of the same standard as we are in the same class
but instead
i wanna warn the whole class
punishments will no longer be light
teacher's favourites
will longer be protected

we have destroyed the trust of our form tutor
and gaining it bak
building it bak
will be
difficult. and we have to work real hard to gain it. we will not give up but continue working hard
tts coz
we are from

\Who I Am HATES Who I've Been


Although 207 is already a notorious class i wouldn't believe somebody would steal. This is a follow-up to Matthew's post. So let me start from after i returned frm my HMT class, i put my bookks down, i got my history war plans ws and got out of class. nobody excepty those frm hmt in class, so means the rest left le.

den got to canteen, that was where i learnt about Russell's 10 dollars. den got check u also noe. anfd have only 2 two dollars so defintely not i steal 1...

go bac to class all da soccer players came back den kena check. all the hmt ppl stay in class, the express chinese go outside class. i think miss tan scolding.took the whole maths period! MY PRECIOUS!!! (maths period) But it's ok. u see a lot of ppl donot understand the state miss tan is in, russell is in and the state u r in.

den gotta stay back after sch till 3 a lot of ppl complaining, saying it's not their fault but still gotta stay back,. tt i understand, but it's not just u only. miss tan saying that she does not trust our class anymore, that was just a moment in time.she said tt because she was desperately trying to find the thief yet no one owned up.

and u think it takes ur time up, u can do ur own work..and in police investigations those ho are suspected have to co-operate with the police. can't say u're not the 1 den run away.

and gerald gwee defintitely isn't the thief. How I noe? When miss tan said the class stay back, he like want to cry, can see his eyes want to red. and when miss tan said this is not a laughing matter. gerlad said u're making this a laughing matter. miss tan said what did u say. gerlad repeated and said it's not he steal and her way of writing on the piece of paper guilty or not guilty , no one will own up + about to cry. so emo u think he steal 1 ar, unless his acting skills so great.

+ i must say something for gerald i noe no 1 accuse him but i heard some ppl calling him cry-baby. everyone have different ways of handling situations. crying is not girly, is just 1 emotion, to express ur sadness. the way he felt, innocent yet still getiing held back.

and some ppl r just not understanding, keep wanting to go home,u can say miss tan's method won't work. but can u see she's trying her best. she said she don't want to give up on this class, and tears frm her eyes. i just look at the dedication in this teacher, i couldn't help and drop 2 tears too.

is not wasting my tears, i just felt the way she felt. the reason she gotta find the thief out, i think as she said is to help him. the thief could have emotional probelms, family probelms and this may lead to him stealing. if u think that i'm the thief coz i noe so much,wrong just grow some common sense.

so if the thief really has problems, can counsel him, solve these problems. but sadly, no one wants to own up. geralsd said can be not frm this class. miss tan's defence is this has happened on three occasions and Russell wasn't sitting near the ledge all along.

so i came up with a plan and wanted to tell miss tan. but i couldn't approach her or else the class will think i'm guilty so i raised my hand and said i got a plann, and so i told her since the class din noe whether the tief is frm this class or other class, write on a slip of paper guilty/not guilty and anonymous. den like the RME option B we pass the slips around in a box. den at least we know he is frm this class. den if successful, match the handwriting to all the classmates homework.

but she says it wun work. den russell is wrong, but he hopes to find the person out, but it din work too. but he is not totally wrong and besides, it's not miss tan who's keeping us, it's the thief. if u dun get wad i mean, "put urself in ohther's shoes" ask urslef questions like although, he's wrong he might be feeling sad that he lost his money/ she is keeping us back but she's also trying to find out who the person is.

oh yar i forogt to mention that i noe it's hard to admit, i've prayed for that boy in class, praying for him to own up. coz after u steal, u might fear the punishments, but ur conscience might haunt u. miss tan said she wants to help that boy and tt's wad impt. .