Monday, April 30, 2007

hiess all.. long time nvr post liao.. chan the talk so chim those who can understand will understand. Those who don't will try to understand. He missed out the homework which is the

-Maths mayday homework
-Info Skills survey questions
-History Comparisons.

Good luck have fun on labour day. Enjoy my rare post.


2day our whole class got scolded as someone or an outsider somehow stole $10 from Russell's bag which was on the ledge. Due to this, Miss Tan had actually made every1 stay outside of the class and reprimanded us. She also mentioned that she would never trust our class ever again and said that everyone in the class are suspects. When she was saying that she would never trust out class, tears were coming out from her eyes. If anyone in the class was in her position, wouldn't you feel sad too? Imagine all the hard work and effort she placed into trying to make our class a better place and all Miss Tan gets back in return is a theft case with the person who did it being a coward by not admitting it. If anyone who reads this post is the actual thief, please post on the C-box. We would not punish or scold or blame you in any other way. Thank you.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

todays homework
1. maths sports day homework
2. maths quad wksht 10 ( for the absentees)
3. maths quad wksht 11

tomorrow sports day is at 7:20am muz be there by 7:10am

remember wear ur fintan house t-shirt with pe shorts. attendance will be taken by ms gina tan

oh well shd end at around 12:00pm or later
and try not to bring ur handphones and not too much cash tomorrow
tt shd be all
byes :)

matthew chill i was only kidding leh

my no, is 92278221 luhh

Sunday, April 15, 2007

i have printed the literature handouts for the class
if u wanna get it free
1. muz be on best behaviour all lessons
best behaviour as in talk only whn nesscary.

if u dun wanna get it free. please pay a buck to me for it

byes <3

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

homeworks today:
1. maths wksht if havent finish
2. chemistry wksht 3

tomorrow no info skills lesson
sch ends at 12:30pm
thursday school ends at 1pm due to ms lee extra's lesson

chemistry grouping

1. ezra, alex, stuart, marcus teow, justin
2. gerald, isaac, jason, jonathan
3. matt chan, mervin, daryl, matt lim
4.wei jin, cheng hui, zac, ziran
5. imran, wen xian, alistair, russell
6. hua xiang, ryan tay, zhan xiang, howard
7. joel, joey, ryan yuan, darren
8. derek, kevin, jerald, yuveen

to change group update ur new members on the class list which is alr pinned on the notice board. further instructions are on the class list.

byes <3

Sunday, April 08, 2007

i noe this is very late but erm
tmw no nid to bring books or anyting.
school time is as usual
school ends at wat time i oso dunnoe but shd be earlier.
no lessons. blah blah blah

tts all i think

and homeworks
1. maths
2. chinese (express)
3. literature file check
4. reflection on Literature WOTB\
hmmz. think tts all.

byes =(

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


Sry guyz/207ers
I screwed up in the 4X400m race
We were 3rd but when I ran I made
us 4th :(
My apologies