Friday, March 30, 2007


both are wrong. that's my opinion.

u noe gerald gwee and the chinese teacher thing. ( not trying to make matters worse)

i just feel that wadeva thing the teacher should not hit a student. she can shout or reason with him. in any case not hit.

den gerald was also wrong to use the three censored words especially to a teacher. if i put myself in gerlad's shoes i would feel unfair too but i would tell the teacher nicely or at least try my best to tell her it's wrong. if not i'll report it to other teachers.

so that's my opinion. wad's urs use taggy box. cbox

Saturday, March 24, 2007

1.geography test2
2.ocp essay
3.chinese(express) workbook 9
i think tt shd be all

mye is coming
study hard^^

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

wahh ok fine sorry for just telling a joke. since i "started" it i have to end it. i dun want to talk too much. just wanna say that we are not quarelling in the tagg board or "outside" the tagg board.

I just think we should not take things too seriously unless they are repeated like what Zhan Xiang did to me. Hoevever, Alex can be angry because we all are different people, what we see may not exactly turn out to be thier perception too.

I wanna stress it was reali a joke and I'm really sorry for that and i dun want any quarrels. and if u happen to be reading this, treat this as entertainment if u must but i hope u do get a message from here.
Alex and Alistair stop the crap in the tagging... What makes you so sure that the teacher even sees the blog even though she talked about it. Just stop quarrelling about who posts more and who posts less.. Just post whenever you can for the real reason of the blog? Anyways, must be smart like me to not put name so won't get involved in such quarrelling.
hello all.
today's hwk is nt much
1. ocp essay
2. info skills
3. swimming carnival form
4. chemistry: seperating misture Qn1-4

thats all
ryan tay was scolded today for his silly prank
i hope tt such a thing will nt happen again
to either

lets all pray for matthew; he's gone ^^


Saturday, March 17, 2007

oh well school is starting

sigh sigh sigh
im so NOT looking forward to it man

SOME MORE monday end at 2:10 pm

im depressed by the tot of it
homeworks shd be finished already,
science this term is chemistry,
bring ur notes and files and txtbk

school reopening
sigh sigh sigh

if only this was june hols luh
1 mth^^

i tot of something

there mite be those study together tings
u can join if u wan to
but but but
only studying
stay together
those reading
muz nt come and distract
and not sit together

and and and this term
we muz all be good people
muz be quiet
muz nt tok so much

st0mach ache

Thursday, March 08, 2007

hello all,
the class outing has been cancelled due to the tight scheldue this march hols.

march hol homework
1. read up literature pg 24-27
2. chinese hwk
3. history wksht qn1
4. geography wksht 8.4
5. reader's digest
- 2 articles
- do reader's digest wksht
6. maths on9 hwk

streaming talk
time: 7:15pm
venue: Performing Arts Studio
p/s: parents driving cars to Sji please come earlier to be able to get a parking lot and cars can onli be moved out whn the streaming talk is over bcoz the cars will be squeezed into the parking lot.

shd u lose any of ur wkshts,
to get it scanned to u/ photocopied for u
a fine of 50 cents will be charged and it will go to our class fund.

everyting muz be handed up on the first wk of term 2
reminder: term2= chemistry

if u have any opinion and wish to tell me on how to improve the class, do not hesitate to send me an email to my hotmail add:
or u can tag on the class blog or my own blog which will be checked regularly

thx =D
i will be posting on my blog this march hols so yeah. rmb to tag my blog ^^


Wednesday, March 07, 2007


hOMEWORK -.-''


nth much to tok bout today.. so yea.. juz posting for fun=)

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


i lost a library book- the french confection in class i put in on the ledge came back frm com science yesterday dunnoe where already anyone seen it pls tell me.......

pls tell me if you've seen it or i'll have to fork out $19.20 le IS
congrats to those who scored wat u wanted, and for those who are disappointed wif ur results, try harder nxt term.

the class committee have tot of holding a class outing during the holidays. the time venue have nt been decided but i did lyk ur to please send an email to my acc if u coming or not, please send it to me as soon as possible as i need to see the total no. of ppl gng to decide on wat we do.

also, whnever u r checking the results, u r suppose to check out ur own one and not compare urself wif other ppl. u can compare wif them but please do not hold bak the paper and coz inconvenice to those ppl who are waiting to confirm their results. there are quite a no. of ppl who are dng this. i do not wish to see this happen again nxt term

i muz say bout someone in the class who i can c is putting in the effort to keep his comments to himself, howard. he has began to keep quiet n this is something we shd all learn. self discipline. even i am nt perfect in this. but for how long i dunnoe. maybe he can stand against time and well... nvrmd =DDDDDDDDDDDDD

as i will nt be in sch tmw due to my piano exam, i still wan the class to be on their best behaviour. so tmw our class will be lead by matthew lim and isaac. ur can report to me if ur find them corrupted or anyting

as i am nt feeling well, i will nt be shouting at ur to keep quiet. my voice is gng bcoz i keep shouting at ur. i hope ur will understand that it is nt tt im slacking but i have no more voice to shout and tmw is my piano pratical exam and i do not wanna totally lose my voice b4 tt.

so ya thats all


Finally bak to blogging =.="

*Sigh* 2moro hav 2 file checkz for english and Science plz don 4get. HW is er mathz (if u haven't done) and English (if u haven't done)

Monday, March 05, 2007

problems wif the class:
1. Gerald Gwee.
Learn to noe whn it is appropriate to tok to chenghui. any further complains from teachers, i will talk to ms tan to have ur sit change. i am nt saying that u cannot tok to chenghui, u can tok to him, but onli at times e.g. group discussions, during class breaks etc.. this are the times which are appropriate.
2.Jerald Lim and Darren Lim. ur r toking non-stop during lessons
3. Howard.
ur role as a class committee member is to help keep the class quiet, but, u have been asking the class to shut up and listen to ur totally unnesscary comments. i also wanna comment about ur behaviour. please stop toking to jerald lim and darren lim during times which are imappropriate
4. yuveen. please ensure that the class is always clean and the tables are neatly arrange.

respect to the teachers.
1. when the teacher ask our class to sit down, please listen and sit down. mrs fong is having a very difficult time controlling our class. not only that but im sure ur would have notice on how mrs loh is always so enthu in teaching our class, the least we can do is to listen and keep quiet. she takes the trouble to give us hwk even whn she is on mc, she bothers to go over wif us the common mistakes we make in essays.
2. regardless of any teacher, we muz always respect them and nt look down upon them juz bcz they are teaching a subject which is least important.
3. i noe this is very naggy but, i wan everyone to greet every teacher they see, even those who dosent teach our class. also i wan our class to turn from the most notorious class to the most discipline class, this is nt impossible bcoz i have seen things lyk tt happen b4 n as long as each one of us put in the effort, we would be the class every teacher would want to teach.

also juz a remainder to all, all of ur belongings muz be brought home by this coming friday, nth muz be left behind. if u have problems bring ur tings home, do not hesitate to approach any of the class committee members. we will do our best to help u solve ur problem.

signing off,
alex (92288221) do not hesitate to call me if u have problem in class

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Hey guys,
i tot maybe ur could gimme some feedback and ideas on how to control to the class
and this is regarding about ppl calling imran names
and calling alistair a cow or other ppl names

if anyone is reported to any class committee member more than twice, they will be reported to ms tan and if this continues to happen, i will personally report him to mr chan

regarding the about the phone surrender every morning, all phones must be surrendered
warnings to ppl who seldom surrender their phone
1. Jerald Lim

regarding about the class committee behaviour
Howard has been disrupting the class quite often and i expect to c a chg in that. a reminder to yuveen. pls ensure tt classrm is always clean and that duty bois carry out their duty

classes are nt allowed to be open before 10:50 and muz be locked by 10:30. doors will nt be opened for those who wish to come back and chg into pe t shirt after recess. shd u wish to chg, pls bring ur uniform wif u too. however, if a teacher holds u bak for recess and u r unable to chg, please report to isaac, giving him the name of the teacher who held u back and how long exactly.

There are ppl who take their own swt time in leaving the classrm after our class is dismissed. please take note that u r to leave class before 1:35 on tue, wed, thur and 2:20 on mon, fri. Unless a teacher holds us back, no one is allowed to stay in class.

please note that if u have any complains of any class committee members or anyone in 207, please report them to either isaac, stuart , matthew lim or myself. ( nearest to you in class)

Thank you,

Friday, March 02, 2007


can't be bother to type so much stuff, this class never listens ok maybe sometimes. just want to make this point like wad Mr lai has said.

CAN'T 1 STUDENT JUST STOP IRRITATING/DISTURBING THE OTHER, DEN THE OTHER STUDENT DUN HAF TO DEFEND HIMSELF OR SHOUT BACK AT THE STUDENT, DEN PEACE! PEACE! PEACE! and if tt student shouts back at the other student, like me which i haf no choice to do so, it makes noise and irritates the rest too.

isn't it so "bloody" simple!!! aniway not like tt person's going to read this.


1. English letter writing to President Of Singapore on Global Warming

2. Do corrections and file ur ws into ur English file

3. same goes 4 physics file

4. bring geog stuff on Monday

5. geog ws 8.1 and 8.2

6. Maths holiday homework ( email)

7. com science think of more scenes or just scenes.....if u havent done so